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Exceptions Class

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Provides a set of methods that help throwing exceptions. This class cannot be inherited.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: VRage
Assembly: VRage.Library (in VRage.Library.dll) Version:
public static class Exceptions

The Exceptions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberThrowAllTException
Specifies a conditions and throws an exception with the provided message if all conditions are true.
Public methodStatic memberThrowAnyTException
Specifies a conditions and throws an exception with the provided message if any of the conditions is true.
Public methodStatic memberThrowIfTException(Boolean)
Specifies a condition and throws an exception with the provided message if the condition is true.
Public methodStatic memberThrowIfTException(Boolean, Object)
Specifies a condition and throws an exception with the provided message if the condition is true.
Public methodStatic memberThrowIfTException(Boolean, String)
Specifies a condition and throws an exception with the provided message if the condition is true.
Public methodStatic memberThrowIfTException(Boolean, String, String)
Specifies a condition and throws an exception with the provided message if the condition is true.
See Also